These feeds, rich in DHA, EPA and ARA, maintain optimum optical density, rotifer enrichment in the larval tank and provide optimum nutrition for gill-feeding larval fish. With excellent suspension in the water column, they help jump-start the digestion of larvae, and reduce "nose bumping" and associated disease.

See individual products for full description and use instructions

Product Information

Product Name Description and Benefits Color Key Lipids Store Shelf Life Dry Weight
RotiGreen® Nanno Nannochloropsis. Traditional greenwater formula, used since 1998. Frozen for long shelf life and easy transportation. Excellent suspension in the water column. Established protocols. Green EPA and ARA Frozen 2 Years >18%
RotiGreen® Iso Isochrysis formula. Maintains and can improve the DHA/EPA ratio. High carotenoid content. Golden-brown DHA Refrigerated 4 Months 8%
Rotigreen® Omega Balanced DHA/EPA with ARA. Frozen for long shelf life and easy transportation. Excellent suspension in the water column. Green Balanced DHA, EPA and ARA Frozen 2 Years 17%
Other Microalgae for Greenwater
Nanno 3600 Nannochloropsis. Traditional greenwater formula, used since 1998. Frozen for long shelf life and easy transportation. Excellent suspension in the water column. Established protocols. Green EPA and ARA Frozen 2 Years >18%
Iso 1800 Isochrysis formula. Maintains and can improve the DHA/EPA ratio. High carotenoid content. Golden-brown DHA Refrigerated 4 Months 8%

Nutritional Profile

  RotiGreen Nanno / Nanno 3600 RotiGreen Iso RotiGreen Omega
Lipids1 15.8% 19.4% 20.3
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)2 27.3% 0.9% 17.1
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)2 nd 10.2% 22.1
Docosapentaenoic Acid (omega 6 DPA)2 <0.1% 1.5% 0.2%
Arachidonic Acid (ARA)2 3.3% 0.6% 2.7%
Protein (Kyeldahl)1 62.7% 51.0% 55.2%
Carbohydrate1 18.0% 24.0% 19.6%
Ash1 3.5% 5.2% 4.8%

1. Percent of Biomass Dry Weight
2. Percent of Fatty Acids


RotiGreen Iso is an Isochrysis 1800 formulation that can maintain or further increase the DHA/EPA ratio in your rotifers and larval fish to meet their nutritional requirements. It is high in Carotenoids. Strain: CCMP1324

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Cobia eating Rotifers

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